Preventive Measures are Required with ULSD


Smart Fuel Management Can Prevent Shutdowns and Protect Equipment

Professionals in the on-site power industry are recognizing the fuel quality challenges associated with ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD) and the strategies needed to protect power generation sites from fuel-related failures.

After years of storing and using ULSD, operators have experienced equipment failures and service interruptions when fuel is inadequately managed. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conducted an in-depth study of 42 underground tanks storing diesel fuel, finding that:

  • 83% exhibited moderate to severe corrosion of metal tank components.

  • Only 25% of tank owners were aware of the issue before the study.

The full EPA report provides insight into why today’s diesel fuel is more susceptible to contamination. (Read a summary at

ULSD and Fuel Contamination Risks

While the EPA study did not pinpoint a single cause of ULSD-related corrosion, it confirmed that proactive fuel management is essential.

Why ULSD Storage Requires Extra Care:

  • Higher Moisture Affinity – ULSD attracts water, accelerating corrosion and microbial growth.

  • Increased Filter PluggingSediment buildup and particulate fallout cause clogged fuel systems.

  • Reduced Sulfur = Increased Microbial Growth – Sulfur used to inhibit microbes, but ULSD fuels are now more vulnerable.

  • Biodiesel Blends Add Complexity – Biodiesel improves environmental impact but reduces fuel stability in storage.

To prevent system failures and costly repairs, regular fuel maintenance is critical.

Best Practices for ULSD Fuel Storage Management

  • Monitor Fuel and Remove Water – Regularly inspect tanks for water buildup and remove it promptly.

  • Perform Routine Fuel Testing – Send fuel samples to a lab to check for:

  • Stability and water content

  • Microbial growth and particulate contamination

  • Organic and inorganic contaminants
    Use Fuel Additives – Select additives with:

  • Film-forming amines (corrosion inhibitors)

  • Dual-phase antimicrobials

  • Demulsifiers and organic dispersants (to prevent water issues)
    Filter Fuel and Clean Tanks – Prevent sludge buildup and ensure fuel remains contaminant-free.

The Bottom Line: Housekeeping Is More Important Than Ever

ULSD’s unique chemical properties make fuel maintenance essential for preventing shutdowns, clogged filters, and tank system failures. By proactively managing fuel quality, on-site power professionals can avoid costly downtime and extend the life of their equipment.

Need help managing ULSD fuel quality? Contact Petrolux LLC today to schedule a fuel inspection and maintenance consultation!

Steve Henning